What are Cards in Onboarding?

Each Card represents an individual as they progress through your workflow.

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Cards are created automatically after a new submission to your board's interest form. You can also create them manually with the plus button in each stage, or the "New Contact" button toward the top right of the page.

Card Details + Adding Groups

Click a card to open its details panel.

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You can edit the contact info or archive the card with the three dots in the top right of the details panel.

Note: once you've invited the person to your team, you can no longer edit their contact info.

For more about the "Quick Actions" section, check out this article.

If you see the "Groups" section, you can add this person to one of your groups, even before you've sent them an invitation. Click "Add Group" and start searching for the group name. To remove them from a group, click the X next to the group name.

Note: only after inviting the person to your team will they appear under Members on the group page. You don't need to re-add them after this happens.

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For more about groups, check out this article.

Adding Notes

As a new volunteer moves through the workflow, add some quick notes about conversations, their interests, and how the first couple weekends go. This lets other leaders on your team follow along, and is another way to free yourself up from having to remember so many details. In the details pane, select the "Notes" tab. You can also upload images and add links, along with normal text formatting options.

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You can also see the history of a card's moves through each stage, and any quick actions taken, in the third tab.

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If a contact has been in the same stage for a while, you'll see a flag icon appear on the card. Once they've been in the same stage for 2 weeks, an orange flag is shown. After 4 weeks, a red one.

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