Tips for Building a Welcome Assignment

Some ideas to include in a custom course you send new volunteers.

Whether you're sending assignments as a part of your Onboarding workflow or to existing members, having a consistent, personal starting point can be a huge benefit.

Consider duplicating an MxU Course as a starting place, but remember to keep the finished product on the short side — especially if it's the first content you're sending a new team member.

Here are some ideas to consider for personalizing your welcome assignment:

  • A short message from you welcoming them to the team and giving a brief history of production at your church. Upload this as a custom video when you're ready.
  • A quick welcome message from your senior pastor. It doesn't take a lot for folks to start their time on your team feeling encouraged and supported!
  • A brief explanation of the different roles on a Sunday that they might find themselves serving in, in the future
  • A quick tour of your backstage or front-of-house area so they're not totally lost when they shadow for the first time
  • A couple videos from the MxU library that would be applicable to lots of roles, like Know Your Band, a Clear-Com approach and tips, or the very basics of sound.